Our Plans
Whether you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss or put an end to creeping weight gain, a plan is crucial for success. By combining the Dr. MacLeod’s VLED products with a Dr. MacLeod’s Plan you have years of experience at your fingertips to support and help you to maximise your results.
The Keto Plan
Dr. MacLeod’s Keto Plan is formulated for healthy nutrition and fast, safe weight loss.
The Keto Plan Q&A
Keto is a ketogenic weight loss plan – whereby your body will enter a metabolic state called ketosis. In ketosis your body uses its fat stores for its main fuel source and is a safe method for fat and weight loss. The Keto Plan may allow you to safely enter ketosis by providing you with VLED meals that allow you to reduce your energy intake to the level required for ketosis while ensuring you consume all the nutrients you need to remain healthy.
On the Keto Plan your daily food intake is restricted in both calories and carbohydrates – this leads to faster weight loss than calorie restriction alone. Dr. MacLeod’s Keto is very effective for weight loss with the average weight loss for men being 9kg in 4 weeks and women 6kg in 4 weeks. These are average results you can expect when you follow the plan as directed.
On the Keto Plan you can eat up to six times per day. Choose 2 Dr. MacLeod’s VLED products, one Keto Meal and Keto Snacks. You can structure your daily intake to enjoy your meals at times that suit you and you can change your meal plan at any time during your program to suit your schedule and preferences.
KetoVeg are low starch, low carbohydrate salads and vegetables that you can enjoy as part of your KetoMeal and KetoSnacks. KetoVeg are packed with fibre which assists with maintaining your bowel health and helps to keep you feeling full. KetoVeg are also low in calories so make sure you add plenty to your daily intake. See the KetoVeg Food list in your Keto Plan eGuide for a list of options – divided into Lowest, Lower and Low carbohydrate content to help you to make informed choices.
KetoMeals are low carbohydrate main meals with each serve containing 10 grams of carbohydrates. KetoMeals include lean protein and KetoVeg. You can have your KetoMeal for breakfast, lunch or dinner – whatever suits your routine. Choose from hundreds of delicious and satisfying KetoMeal recipes the entire family will love in our Recipe Books or are available free to download on the Keto Recipes page.
Snacks can add variety and interest to your weight loss program and make dieting easier. KetoSnacks are low calorie, low carbohydrate snacks that contain less than 60 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates per serve. You can enjoy KetoSnacks on the Keto Plan up to twice per day. We recommend if you are not hungry don’t snack – you will lose more weight if you snack less. Choose from hundreds of delicious and satisfying Keto Snack recipes in your eGuide, the Recipe Book or available free to download on the Keto Recipes page.
On the Keto Plan you have unlimited Keto Drinks per day. Drinks suitable for the Keto Plan are low calorie and low carbohydrate options such as soda water, mineral waters, diet soft drinks and diet cordials. Any drink you choose should contain nil or negligible carbohydrates. We recommend you should aim to have 60% to 100% of your fluids as calorie free beverages.
No, hunger shouldn’t be a problem. Ketosis is a popular method for fat and weight loss partly due to the appetite suppressing effects associated with it. While initially you may experience hunger and sugar cravings in the first few days of your Keto Plan – due to your body adjusting to the change in calorie intake – once your body adjusts and begins ketosis the presence of ketone bodies typically suppresses your appetite. The VLCD meals are very filling, and you can eat snacks a number of times per day.
As a ketogenic weight loss program, the Keto Plan works by restricting your intake of daily dietary carbohydrates to less than 60-70grams. As a result there are some foods and drinks that you must avoid while on this program. This includes foods and drinks that are rich in carbohydrates, sugar and calories. Eating any of these foods – even in small amounts – will cause your body to stop ketosis, therefore you must avoid alcohol, all foods containing flour and sugar, high starch vegetables such as potatoes, peas, corn, pumpkin, sweet potato, rice and noodles and all fruit.
5 Keto Plan Benefits

While initially you may experience hunger and sugar cravings in the first few days of your Keto Plan – due to your body adjusting to the change in calorie intake – once your body adjusts and begins ketosis the presence of ketone bodies typically suppresses your appetite.

Dr. MacLeod’s Keto is very effective for weight loss with the average weight loss for men being 9kg in 4 weeks and women 6kg in 4 weeks.
These are average results you can expect when you follow the plan as directed.

On the Keto Plan you consume VLED meals to reduce your energy intake and fresh foods – giving you all the nutrients you need to remain healthy AND safely enter ketosis.

Keto is more than just shakes and bars.

Our plans provide you with guideance, information and support to help you understand MEALS (nutrition, foods and snacks), MOVE (avtivity and exercise) and MODE (mindset, habits and behaviours)
Get Started
Choose your own selection of the Dr. MacLeod’s VLED products with the Keto EGuide OR save time with our Keto Packs
Keto Plan 28
The Keto Plan 28 includes everything you need to follow the Dr. MacLeod’s Keto weight loss plan for 28 days including:
- 56 Dr. MacLeod’s VLED Meals (your choice of flavours)
- Keto Plan eGuide, and
- Your free bonus:
- 2 x shakers
Everything you need to know to follow our Keto Plan, the EGuide is delivered straight to you inbox.
- Keto Plan information for Meals, Move and Mode,
- Food Lists, Meal PLans and Snack Lists
- Guide to Ketosis
Build your own plan with the eGuide and your selection of our VLED meal products (allow 2 per day)
$710.00 – save$209.00
The Keto Plan 100 includes everything you need to follow the Dr. MacLeod’s Keto weight loss plan for 100 days including:
- 200 Dr. MacLeod’s VLED Meals (your choice of flavours)
- Keto Plan eGuide, and
- Your free bonus
- 2 x shakers
The Balance Plan
Dr. MacLeod’s VLED Balance Plan is a calorie balanced program to maintain your weight loss or stop your weight gain.
The Balance Plan Q&A
On the Balance Plan you’ll enjoy Dr. MacLeod’s VLED products, meals and snacks on a daily meal plan personalised to your needs. You’ll learn how to balance your calorie intake with your calorie needs and how to change your mindset on food and weight gaining habits
Whether you lose or gain weight comes down to a balance of BODY FUEL IN (the calories we eat) and BODY FUEL OUT (the calories we use).
Weight gain occurs when more body fuel is eaten than is used and weight loss occurs when less body fuel is consumed that is required.
If the amount of body fuel consumed equals the amount of body fuel used – body weight remains unchanged. Therefore, to achieve long term weight maintenance you simply need to use up the energy you consume with the right amount of activity and exercise that your weight remains the same
Understanding your own balance of BODY FUEL IN and BODY FUEL OUT is the key to lifelong healthy weight maintenance.
Body Fuel Out – is the amount of calories you use each day and is determined by 2 factors Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Physical Activity (PA):
Body Fuel In – is the calories you consume. With an understanding of how many calories per day your body requires (body fuel out), you can structure a healthy meal plan that provides you with the right balance of calories and nutrients
Our Balance Plan will show you step by step how to calculate your Balance.
On the Balance Plan, you select from VLED Meals, healthy meals and snacks across a number of food groups to achieve your daily calorie intake. You can structure your daily intake to enjoy your meals at times that suit you and you can change your meal plan at any time during your program to suit your schedule and preferences. We recommend eating small meals regularly.
Maintaining an adequate level of hydration is integral to digestion and the prevention of constipation and drinking plenty of fluids can help you to control your appetite for food.
We recommend that you aim to have at least 60% of your fluids as calorie-free beverages such as plain mineral waters, water or “diet” soft drinks and that you consume 2 litres of fluid per day.
No, hunger shouldn’t be a problem. The VLCD meals are very filling, and you can eat snacks a number of times per day.
On the Balance Plan no food is off limits. Maintaining your balance is about awareness and knowing how to make allowances in your calorie consumption when your activities differ OR to be more active on days that you have eaten more calories. You can enjoy birthday cake at your child’s birthday party – but to maintain your balance you’ll need to increase your activity that week.
Get Started
Choose your own selection of the Dr. MacLeod’s VLED products with the Balance EGuide OR save time with our Balance Packs.
Take the first step towards long term weight maintenance with our 60 day Balance Plan Pack including:
- 60 Dr. MacLeod’s VLED Meals (your choice of flavours),
- Balance Plan eGuide, and
- your free bonus gifts.
- 2 x shakers
- 2 x treats
- Free Express Shipping
Everything you need to know to follow our Balance Plan, the eGuide is delivered straight to your inbox.
- Balance Plan information for Meals, Move and Mode.
- Food Lists, Meal Plans & Snack Lists
Build your own plan with the eGuide and your selection of our VLED products (allow 1 per day)
VLED weight loss method is a safe and effective way to achieve significant weight loss and may be a great option for you if one or more of the following applies to you:
- Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is greater than 30.
- You are male with a waist circumference greater than 102cm.
- You are female with a waist circumference greater than 88cm.
- Your BMI is greater than 27, and you suffer with health conditions that are aggravated by or associated with overweight and obesity (co-morbidities).
Your suitability for this type of weight loss should be determined in consultation with your health care professional.

Whether you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss or put an end to creeping weight gain, a plan is crucial for success.

Select from our range of VLED products, to use in our plans or as part of a calorie conrolled diet,

Recipes, tips, support guides and more – your personal information centre for all things weight management.

Save money with our latest offers.

Whether you want to lose weight, maintain weight loss or put an end to creeping weight gain, a plan is crucial for success.

Select from our range of VLED products, to use in our plans or as part of a calorie controlled diet.

Healthy Hub
Recipes, tips, support guides and more – your personal information centre for all things weight management.
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