Chicken Marengo


• 1½ kilograms chicken breast meat
• 2 cup mushrooms (sliced)
• ½ cup shallots (chopped)
• 3 medium sized tomatoes (chopped)
• 1 cup chicken stock
• 1½ cups dry white wine
• 2 Tbsps soy flour
• 2 cloves garlic (crushed)
• 2 Tbsps oil
• Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Dice chicken into bite sized pieces.
  2. Heat oil in a large frying pan, add garlic and chicken pieces.
  3. Only cook enough chicken in pan so that chicken can cook and be moved around to enable it to
    brown on all sides (do 2 batches if necessary).
  4. Remove cooked chicken from pan and put to one side.
  5. Add flour to juices in pan and cook for 1 minute.
  6. Add wine and stock gradually, stirring until mixture boils and thickens.
  7. Season with salt and pepper. Add mushrooms, shallots and tomatoes.
  8. Cook approximately 5 minutes. Return chicken to pan, cover and simmer for approximately 30



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